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Configuring Docstore

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Running the Docstore Jobs

Before you can start configuring Docstore you must make sure that the relevant Docstore jobs are running the CPPD subsystem:

Docstore Jobs

There are two jobs required to operate the Docstore:

1.CHTTPD – serves the web browser for Docstore Administration and Configuration and for viewing your stored documents.

2.DOCSTORED - manages Docstore jobs, currently it just makes sure the files DOCSTOREQ and DOCSTORES are present in the CPPD library.

Configuring Docstore Administrators

Before you can create a Docstore you will need to be an Administrator. The default Administrator is QPGMR but additional user's may be added via the Cobwebb Web Server Configuration.

Granting Write access to a Docstore

Any user wishing to Upload or Delete documents to / from a Docstore must have 'Write' authority to the folder where the document is stored.

To check use the wrklnk command on the server e.g.
 wrklnk '/cppd/docstore/Cobwebb Store/Invoice'


where the link is the path to your Document Folder e.g.
Update Document Type

Enter a "9" for "Work with authority" beside the Object link and you should something like the following:

Docstore Authority

In this scenario user CPPDOBJOWN could Upload or Delete a document as it has *RWX authority and user TEST could not. Use the options provided to change the authority for a user as required.

Please refer to the topic on How Docstore Authorisation works for further details.