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This is a MANDATORY call to pass in the Initial Setup and must be inside a “Page = *FIRST” or “Page = *START” condition as it must only be called ONCE in a PPD file.






Number of Detail lines output per page LPP

(From v1.9 of the Advanced Reformatting Utility this has been increased from a limit of 99)


Excluding Header & Trailer lines. Default is 30.

Note: The LPP  + Header lines + Trailer lines can never be more than 249 (1 line required for Page 1 of n & Server maximum is 250 ). If you enter too many lines then the LPP will be automatically adjusted to the maximum allowed.


Blank or *WIDE


*WIDE if data > 132 characters


Must be 60, 65 or blank #1


Start print line for Trailer lines if supplied. If entered this must be less than the value of PARM1 otherwise "blank" will be assumed.


Blank, *YES #2 or *YESn #3


If *YES then the process will check if 1st Detail line on a new page is blank, or exactly matches the Blank line identifier passed in PARM5, and remove it.

If *YESn where n = 0 - 9. Here the n is used for consecutive blank line suppression.


Data or Blank #2


Blank line identifier for PARM4 as sometimes the lines will just have the column separators and won't actually be blank. - (v1.6 or greater)




Note #1: If blank Trailer lines follow straight after details. If you do specify 60 or 65 then you must make sure that your detail lines do not output after this position.

Note #2: If PARM4 = *YES then the data passed in PARM5 will be checked against the first 132 bytes of the first Detail line at the start of a new page. This is mainly to prevent a blank line at the start of the detail lines when a page throw occurs.

Note #3: If PARM4 = *YESn (where n is 0 - 9) then the data passed in PARM5 will be checked against the first 132 bytes of any Detail line. This is to prevent consecutive blank lines appearing in your output. The value n allows you to control the number of blank lines that you are happy to include in your output. If n=0 then no blank lines are allowed, n=1 then only one blank line is allowed, if n=2 then two consecutive blank lines will be allowed etc. - (v1.6 or greater)